Inspection and Testing
When you order a Test and Inspection of your electrical installation we will test all circuits connected to the incoming supply and inspect approximately 20-25% of your entire installation. Before we do this we will ask you about the performance of your installation and focus our inspection efforts on known issues, suspected problem areas and vulnerable parts of the electrical system. We will compare what you have with current regulations and safety requirements and make suggestions for improvement. Any serious defect will rectified or made safe immediately, less serious issues will be notified and left with customers for a decision on remedial work.

Satisfactory installations are certified against BS5751:2011, will be issued with a Condition Report and assigned a retest date based on a combination of age, condition and changes to the installation. These certificates / reports are often required by insurance companies in the event of a claim and should be kept in a safe place. They are also used to prioritise items for inspection at the time of subsequent work or inspection.

Circuit Tests
We will check the resistance of your safety earthing connections to gas, water and / or other services entering your home.
We will measure the continuity and insulation resistance of your circuits to ensure that they are not degrading beyond safe limits.
We will check that any existing RCD device reacts to meet safety and manufactured specifications.

Installation Inspection
We will check the visual condition of the accessories in your home or place of work. We will ensure that your installation is safe to operate and that any issues are brought to your attention. We will advise on improvements and offer solutions to any electrical problem discovered.

We have equipment which will allow us to see and record between floorspaces and in cavities which means we can confirm safe conditions for your peace of mind or identify potential issues before they cause any further damage.

Condition Report
Your measured results and the summary of your inspection will be recorded on Condition Report forms and submitted (where required) to the local authority per local regulations. The homeowner will have a copy for their records.
Our forms are fully compliant with BS7671:2011 Amendment to 17th Edition IET.

Remedial Work
We can perform remedial work to meet and often exceed current regulatory standards. We will be respectful and honest in our appraisal of your installation. We will be clear about any instances where safety is an issue and where there is a regulatory discrepancy, you will be informed with any necessary advice and left to make a decision. We will happily support you during the decision phase, but only at your request.